Friday 25 March 2011

Tomorrow is a busy day.

Well I don't feel like typing but I'm looking at this more of like a log of my life just so I can keep track and look at how dumb I was long ago rather than a blog where people can laugh at me while I'm being dumb so I shall perceive.

I have an interview at Walmart tomorrow. 10:30. I'm nervous but at the same time my "epiphany" if you want to call it that has almost numbed me to anything. As I see it now at this point in time, a lot of what happens to me isn't going to affect me that much and therefore should not draw a lot of concern on my part. I've been looking into what other people think about Walmart interviews, a lot of the people asking are stoners and hippies so I think my pool of competition for the job are not the brightest of the bunch. I've seen some of the answers saying that if you have an interview you pretty much have the job so long as you pass a drug test. Thankfully I don't do any drugs on a regular basis and the last time I did was forever ago. Hopefully this is a for sure thing cause I could really use some money even if it is part time.

Anyways the other part of my day is a college preview. That starts at 2 so I've got some time to kill in between the two events of my day. With the college preview I get to see who I'll be learning from, who I'm learning with, and where exactly I'm learning. I'm mostly focusing on the who I'm learning with and the girl to guy ratio. So far I know at least one other guy is in the program with me. I know him, and he's an obnoxious douche. That kind of makes me not like this course from the beginning (knowing that after this year I have to spend another 4 with this guy in all the same classes). Either way, I have to enjoy the program, its gonna be my life and I'm legitimately interested in the subject manner so that's always a good thing. Hopefully McDouche will fail out of it or something, anything really. That or somehow I just become friends with him, that could work.

Ugh, I guess that's it.

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