Saturday 12 March 2011

Every now and then I fall apart

I was going to update the other day, honestly. I don't know why I forgot I just did I guess, I had a whole rant ready for the blog which I thought was going to be fun/cool. For future reference for myself, its about pessimism and knowing me it'll be a good rant when it comes down to it.

Anyways, I got wasted last night with my friends as per my plan to celebrate my birthday from last week. It was awesome mostly because I never get to see my friends Kyle and Steven, I see Calvin all the time, he's actually sitting right beside me. The only problem with Calvin is that he's going to start a full time job soon, which basically means I won't be seeing him unless its a thursday (floor hockey night). So my night was full of video games, drinking my alcohol filled cup while trying not to grimace, and being asshole for about 10 rounds in a row. Asshole is a great game, although we were just playing for the joy of not being asshole rather than the drinking game rules.

The plus side of drinking was the fact that I now have an excuse to test the limits with Amanda. Before I was mostly afraid of texting anything risque mostly because I didn't want to step over the fine line between playful anticipation and being a dirty old homeless man yelling from across the street. I started off with telling I was drunk, always a good option. She was at work which meant I couldn't exactly talk my way into a booty call sadly. I did however manage to shimmy my way into talking about our sex again. She seemed happy about it, at least from what I can tell from a text and my optimism coloured glasses.

Another plus was that Calvin could text Amanda to get access to information she wouldn't tell me/that I was too pussy to ask about. For those who don't know, Calvin was the person to introduce me to Amanda in the first place so they're sort of friends. Anyways, the gist was the she indeed did like me, what was at the time busy with school and work. This is sort of similar to the answer she gave me, although I second guessed myself and assumed it was more rejection than pause in forward momentum. Thankfully this gets me back in my happy mood. I felt in a sort of rut there for a couple days but I feel like I'm out of it now.

What else? Hmm. I guess I could talk about the text embargo...which is sort of half going on. Basically its exactly what it sounds like, I can't text. It's for Amanda though, I find I have an overwhelming need to text her, and I feel like that it will eventually lead to the words, "desperate", "needy", and "annoying" coming to her head. So basically what this does is tilt the teeter totter towards me (theoretically). I don't have much experience with dating and the games associated with the mating ritual. I seem to always skip a few chapters, case and point being getting oral shortly following my first kiss and having sex with someone after only seeing them two times without really saying anything. I'm either highly irresistible or I'm just lucky in that I suddenly fall, lose my pants, and slide into a vagina. The whole teeter totter thing refers to the whole "who cares less" method of looking at a relationship. Apparently if I don't look like I want/need the relationship, it will cause the other person to want/need the relationship more. It seems to work for me, because I keep thinking she'll just blow away in the wind at any moment and I keep trying to hold her down and close to me. I'd enjoy the thoughts on this type of approach to dating, i.e. has it worked for you? Is it a good idea at all?

Pretty sure that's it. I should be updating tomorrow as well because I don't think I have anything to do that day.

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