Saturday 5 March 2011

Wait...You're not going to the bars?

Well, it's my birthday. I'm 19 today, I can officially go to a bar, get drunk and hopefully score with a chick. Sadly there are few bars/no clubs where I live, I have little to no money for booze, and I don't have a car to pick up a chick in, not to mention my excruciating social awkwardness. My birthday went okay, nothing really happened although that's typical in my birthdays. Usually x-mas is my big look forward to holiday and soon it won't be as I won't be living at home where all the presents are waiting for me. I don't care that I don't get gifts or anything on my birthday mostly because I get to decide what kind of food we're having during the day. I love breakfest and I never have it usually because I'm lazy so I got my mom to make a huge breakfest for me and it was awesome. Other than my birthday I don't really have any news other than my...I guess clingyness towards Amanda...Lets roll with that.

Last night after I posted I was talking to Amanda over text for a short while. After my first message she said she was really in a bad mood and warned me not to talk to her. She's previously warned me that she gets into uber bitchy moods sometimes when bad shit goes down. I figured that it was awesome she had warned me, this means she probably wants me on her good side (and in her good slide OOOOOOHHHH, am I clever or what?). This is obviously in the past so I'm over analyzing it as usual so right now I'm thinking that...hmm, maybe she wanted me to ask about the problem and maybe wanted consoling from me. I don't know. Basically the conversation went like this, gimme your ideas:

"Hey" - "Don't talk I'm in a bad mood" - "Oh okay, thanks for keeping me on your good side :)" - "Yeah, Katt isn't talking to me" - "Ah, I'll shut up then but I'll text you tomorrow on my b-day :)"

Right after she said that Katt wasn't talking to her, my kind of gut nice guy response was to be all "Oh that sucks, how about I talk to you?", but I gave it a second thought. If she's in a bad mood and she gets really bitchy she's probably right to warn me away. Now I usually like to think I can get people in a good mood with my humor although an angry person doesn't provide the best comedic fodder for me. Another reason I didn't try was because of my previous experience with my ex, she never liked any kind of humor during a "serious" discussion, in other words, any tiny little bullshit problem. I figure when a girl refers to herself as being in a bitchy mood its a good thing to run away before you're caught in the torrent of shit that's sure to be flinging around. A lack of faith in the ole' romantic comedy way of courting might have had a bit to do with it too. I didn't want to be that funny friend that eventually hooks up with them after they realize that, "oh my god my best friend could possibly be a good fit for my douchebag ravaged vagina".

Now that I think about it again...Katt isn't talking to her...Katt hates me...I might be going to see a movie with Amanda, the kids and maybe Katt. Could I possibly have something to do with this? Or is that just ego, penis ego that is, he likes to feel like he's special. If I am the problem then I feel awesome, mostly because it would mean Amanda just picked my side in a feud with her best friend. SUCK IT DARTH BITCH VADER (see last post). If she's not going to see a movie with Katt, maybe the whole thing with the kids will fall out. Then maybe I can hang out with her alone! Oh god I hope that's it. Should have thought of that when I had my cake and my wish to blow on something. My wish was close to that, but better. Anyways, even if the kids are still on, then at least I'm not competing with Katt for Amanda's attention. Of course all of this doesn't even have to be about me which means that I still have to make the trench run with no back up.

So yeah. She wished me happy birthday today which made me smile, over text no less, the only person to do so. Everyone else just uses facebook and a lot of my close friends didn't even bother, sigh. Oh well they're hanging out with me for two days, that's consolation enough. I think I might text Amanda now about the movie tomorrow, hopefully its still on, and hopefully its not still on. I don't really care, I just need to see her...mostly because I want to kiss her. I can pull that off in public right? Wish me luck and say Happy Birthday...assholes.


  1. In my defense the signal at my dads place sucks and my phone is out of money.

  2. Happy birthday for saturday.. sorry it's late :')
