Wednesday 2 March 2011

My first "Sorry I missed a post" post

Well this was just gonna be a semi-daily thing anyways, but I find as soon as I start talking or when I've actually got something to talk about I end up rambling and when I think I've got a decent conclusion for the post its ended up being 5 paragraphs. If only I could crank that shit out for school, then I'd be getting straight A's. Well, the reason I didn't post yesterday was basically because when I realized I should have posted it was 2 am. My typical time to start a post is 6-6:30pm, right now its 7:30, mostly because I'm tired. Anyways...hmm, well I'm still at Calvin's house. I've been sneezing and dripping a lot (I'm allergic to cats somewhat, and he's got 4 of 'em). The good thing here is that they have a guest room with an actual bed, and its awesome. For those of you who don't know (all of you) my bed is 3 futon mattresses stacked on each other. Surprisingly comfortable once you get used to it, but not the best thing for your back.

What I was hoping for since I'm here was to hang out with Amanda, because its about 10 minutes closer than my house (not much but better than nothing). I asked her yesterday but she was hanging out with her best friend Katt. Now first things first, I'm not on good terms with Katt. My pursuits into Amanda nether regions have labeled me as an enemy to the gatekeeper of Amanda's vagina, which is apparently her best friend. To give you an idea, Amanda sometimes hands the phone off to Katt when she's driving so that she can text me still. During one of these exchanges she said that Amanda wasn't going to fuck me (Ha, suck it Gatekeeper), to which I replied as gentlemanly as possible that I was going to wreck her best friend so hard she wouldn't be able to walk. Over my dead body. - That can be arranged. [note: that was supposed to be sarcastic...or maybe not? I kind of forget my head at this moment.] - JUST FUCKING TRY IT!...So yeah, pretty sure Katt is not a big fan of my penis and I.

Sadly this meant I couldn't hang out with her yesterday, I've tried getting a hold of her today through MSN but she hasn't been online. I'd try to text her but fuck trying to get a signal. To get a signal here I have had to build a tower out of shoes, an old CD drive and copious amounts of luck and will just to get one bar. This is of course immediately destroyed when my phone vibrates and is knocked out of the single position that grants it access to the wonderful world of texting. The last time I bothered trying to text people at this godforsaken place I ended up losing half of my outgoing texts and missed most of my incoming texts. I'm being forced into a shitty game of broken telephone where one asshole kid is purposely saying I'm a huge idiot to the last kid, just so he has to say it out loud to the whole class. Again, screw building a useless tower of signal just to be fucked over by the cell phone gods.

Tomorrow I get to go home, although it'll be later in the night which means I might be updating later again. The good news is I guess I get to hand out some more resumes and hopefully get a motherfucking job. I really need the money soon to stem the boredom...also, college. I'm out.

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