Friday 4 March 2011

Not the dating type.

To some people this might sound awesome, to others, and by others I mean the majority, this will sound really fucked up. See, I haven't gone out on a date with someone unless I've already done them. How sad is that? I have to bend someone over for them to go out with me. In fact, my ex didn't even accept my asking for a date for the longest time even though I was doing her. Amanda seems good to go after one though, so I'm happy about that.

I was talking with her today, saying I'm excited about my birthday (tomorrow) and I mentioned that we should hang out the next day, 'cause I've got family shit on my actual b-day. Anyways, it seems that the kids want to go to the movies with her...I know what you're thinking, and no, she is not a single mom, that's something I'm not quite ready for. Basically she's got these kids, Summer, Owen, Justin, and Sawyer (Oh yeah, I memorized that shit, it never hurts to know the people closest to her), she seems to have some kind of aunt/older sister thing going with them (she's not related I think, I guess they're just friends? I didn't really ask for a back story). The movie is actually something I wanted to see and I really really want to see Amanda, to the point where I no longer give a shit if we're not there alone or not.

The second (or I guess third if you count the public-ness) is that apparently Katt might be coming along for the show. I've already mentioned that Katt seems very protective of Amanda, honestly I'm harmless. I don't plan on giving her a black eye (unless its with my dong, and then that'd be an accident...a hilarious accident). Oh, did I forget to mention that the kids are protective as well, which I would assume, they're kids and if I'm trying to take away their "big sister" figure they'll probably not like me too much. This "date" as I'm calling it seems more and more like a suicide mission. I guess I could compare it to the Death Star run. My Darth Vader is Katt, her wingmen would be the kids, and my objective is to launch my proton torpedo into Amanda's thermal exhaust port. I just need a Han and Chewie to save me before I'm blown out of the sky...

In other news, my oldest (known the longest) friend Nick is going through a bit of a stump as well with the ladies. Basically, he's going through the routine I went through long ago with my ex. This is bad, I'm trying to tell him to not go down the path I went down. Honestly I felt really hurt (cue sad emo music now) mostly because of how I was treated for a long time. As he describes the situation to me I keep telling him how similar it all is. Now him and I are very much alike (the reason we're friends) so I'm trying to make him understand that he's fighting a losing battle, I couldn't do it and I asked everybody I knew or felt close to about tips, hints, answers, anything! He asks me for information and I'm very happy for that, I can guide him into a different route, most likely a better one than I. The plan as of now is observation, she's been acting weird according to him. I said "Give it a week, if it doesn't change confront her". I think this is the best way to go, I only confronted my ex a few times and every single time was the same, "I need more time". That's truly the only reason I feel hurt by her, I was treated unfairly, and I don't want that to happen to Nick. I don't want him to end up hating one of his friends who he seems to like.

Basically I'm steering him into an ultimatum. Date him, or just be friends and leave. It is the most confusing and frustrating thing to "be friends" with someone while they try to be close to you / manipulate you through sexual favors, then when you try to be close or try to start a relationship you're shut down at every possible moment. This is what's happening to Nick. I know whats going to happen and I feel a need to stop it for him now. I took one for the team with my ex (read: now she won't do that to someone else), but this other bitch probably doesn't know what it's going to do to one of my best friends, but I do. Luckily Nick has given himself a time limit, a time limit I must enforce for himself to start something with this girl. If he continues to be strung along until he gets home and doesn't get anything resembling a true relationship (i.e the girl admits to them being an item), then I must beat the living shit out of Nick and tell him it's not working and to give up before he's more hurt. I don't want him to waste as many years as I did on someone who isn't worth the pain.

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