Friday 1 April 2011

What was I doing again?

Right, I have to write, I forgot. What was my last post? Something about an interview and my college preview day. Okay I got this shit.

Well first things first my interview went pretty well. The girl interviewing me half-talked me through how to do an interview properly and having never done one before it was a nice overall experience. Anyways, they have to do a background check and gather my references. The sad thing is, to get a background check I need a driver license. Now this is both good and bad, she told me that I should call her when I get my driver license (I said I'd be getting it in the next week) and that also means that my parents will have to get me my license ASAP.

We've been trying to get my license all day today. I went to the driving place today three times and had my mom cry with frustration about 2 of those times. The first time going was just us not having enough time to stay in line (my sister had a doctors appointment). Then an hour later we go and learn that my health card is not enough identification and we need my birth certificate. So we drive back to our house (45 minutes) grab and drive back into town (another 45 minutes) get to the place and wait in line for about 20 minutes. We go up to the counter while I hand my health card and birth certificate to the worker. She looks at my BC and my health card and says she can't take my health card because it has a hole in it.

The reason there's a hole in it is because I was changing my organ donor status because I figure if I'm going to randomly die, someone should live. The hole is there just to tell you it's going to be changed/that its still a temp health card until my new one arrives. I honestly did that yesterday which is why its so infuriating that I couldn't get my damn license today because of it, I should change my status to make sure that my organs don't go to government workers. This still surprises me though, how can it not be used to identify me. It has my signature, my picture, my name and birth date. If you're worried about some kind of mistake compare it to my birth certificate and check, it's pretty hard to forge a BC I'd imagine. Not to mention WHY THE FUCK WOULD I FORGE DOCUMENTS FOR A FUCKING DRIVING TEST???? Anyways, I have to go back on Monday, visit my grandpapa who is an engineer and can be a guarantee-r (I have no idea how to spell it), I need one instead of waiting for my new card to come. Hopefully that'll work out, its a fucking driving test not a goddamn bank robbery.

The college preview day was more important to me anyways. This was a day I got to size up the difficultly of the classes I'm going into, the teachers, the students and the school in general. This was the day where I got to see who I was going to put on my "Must fuck" list. So the way this worked was that you were put into an assembly, got a general introduction of "We're awesome, welcome to such and such, thanks for the money" and then you separated into your various programs of choice. My sister's assembly happened about 3 hours before mine did so I spent the majority of my day in the cafe with my mom. She did her work while I observed the students walking around and the new ones walking with their guides. Basically I was comparing girl-guy ratios, the good looking guy-bad looking guy ratios, good looking girl-bad looking girl ratios, and single-relationship ratios. It seems to be in my favor, my foresight and luck led me to a college with a lot of "Did bad in high school? No problem" courses, so you have some of the standard jock affair to contend with but a lot of it in terms of guys are either ugly outcast types or fat lonely guys eating a buffet to themselves (I saw one, I felt bad for him). The few girls with the uglies weren't worth a second glance anyways.

The girl ratios seemed to be great though, a lot of the programs focus on vet stuff (girl bait) or hair styling/fashion. I managed to make myself blush, I saw some sexy red head from across the room, immediately looked at her course "Vet Tech" and then said to myself "Fuck, that's Holly", I've always had a sort of huge boner for her but she has a boyfriend so she's off limits. Anyways, I called her over because I wanted to talk to her and she mentioned there's about two guys in her course. I was over-joyed as was her boyfriend, both of us for different reasons. With more girls there's less chance of guys doing Holly (BF's view), with more girls there's more to do for me which Holly will introduce me to (My view). The good looking-bad looking was also good, you were either super hot, hot, or the fattest ugliest thing I've ever seen while stuffing a buffet into your mouth surrounded by hot chicks (the fat friend). Seriously, she was fucking hideous, I kind of laughed to myself, she looked like a fatter Amanda (also, that's a no go right now so no more developments).

Okay, so I go to my assembly finally looking around at everybody in the room, mostly worried I'd run into my Ex, I don't know why I had such an irrational fear. For some reason I thought she would wind up in my course just so god could throw another bucket of shit in my face. Thankfully I didn't see, problem being that I was in the second group of people in my course and the first group was apparently massive (meaning I didn't quite get the numbers for ratios I was looking for nor got to see if she did happen to spite me). The ratio for girl-guy seemed good, only one other guy who was probably the biggest looking nerd/douche guy I saw, sounds weird to put those two words together but that's how it seemed. Think "I'm better than you because I wear glasses", that's how he looked so I could only generalize. I ran into someone I know who was taking the course, she's from my middle school so I kind of caught up. I apparently "look great" which made me smile (go weight loss). There was one guy, and two girls (omfg drool the girls were hot as hell jizz self). At least the girls leading us around were, there was two ridiculously hot girls (both shy and cute as ARGH I WANT TO BONE THEM) and at least one fugly one. So far I like my course, I didn't really get an understanding of the ratio for the first group no one said any generalizing statements that could extrapolate into something.

The course itself is apparently balls hard and I have to work my ass off for the first semester (no problem, it's all shit I've done, I honestly just have to show up and hand work in, no learning necessary). They try to make it hard because the secondary program that I'm going into is insane (It's actually a university course, being offered at a college. Side Note: reason I'm going here, I get to be smart and fuck lots of dumb hotties). I'm not too worried for this upcoming year, again I just have to show up (I've honestly learned all the stuff before, some of the second semester stuff will be new but most of it shall be review) and showing up won't be hard considering this is for my future of being a doctor something that actually matters to me. I finally have that "drive" people talk about, most of the "drive" being that "I get mad pussy bro".

The residence also looks sweet, I'm taking a double so I get a roommate (making myself more social) and the double room are actually pretty big and nice. They have a somewhat dividing wall between the two beds (I thought it would basically be a big square room so I'd end up watching my roommate have sex every single time). We get our own fridge and bathroom and some beds which I guess I have to prop up myself. The room we were in used milk crates so I might try stock piling those soon. Anyways I'm really excited for this upcoming year the only thing I'm ticked about it the drivers license but that's going to be solved Monday.

I'll be heading out to my friends place this weekend so I don't expect to be updating while I'm there, not that I was expecting to update anyways as I am being lazy. Side Note: I'm thinking about starting a dream journal/log here, I'll be writing it in a book beside my bed but I might transfer it over here just so its double ingrained into my head. This apparently helps with dream recall which leads to lucid dreaming, figure I'll try it out. Damn this is a long post.

-Marz out

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