Monday 18 April 2011

I sit here, flossing my teeth. Stay Classy.

No, I don't know why its titled that.

I have to say, cutting a couch in half is pretty fun. I don't how the movers got it in here in the first place but I certainly got it the hell out. I now have a love seat in its place. That might be bad news for someone who has to nap on it (it's not, its actually really comfortable despite lacking leg room) but it'll hopefully be good news for controlling my awkwardness once I get a girl in here.

At the moment I really need to clean my room, mostly due to my weights being everywhere and my general lack of using them. I'd have done my bench presses if not for the plates covering my bench. I've switched up my routine yet again to adapt both the majority's, my dad's and apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger's mentality (having "body part" days) and to include some necessary cardio/fat burning exercises (Interval running). My plan is to use the weights M/W/F and run T/T/Sun, Saturday being my rest day because I'll probably be fucking around in town with friends. The good thing with this plan is that it shortens the amount of time I'll actually be working out, my running should be between 20-30 minutes at most (and half of it is not very much effort) and my weights are done after 2-4 exercises depending on how I switch it up. Another good thing is this forces me to shower, which is a habit I am still trying to work into myself. I guess I just don't like being naked.

In other news, I have my G1 picture drivers license. I can finally prove that I am me. I dropped by Walmart today, who are in a surprising and lucky twist still hiring (Thank ya Jesus). They copied my shit down so they can run the back round tests and now I play the waiting game yet again. She said the manager is back in Wednesday so that's probably when I'll be getting the call. Hopefully this will translate into busy work days, and lots of money with which to spend on bitches...or lots of cool gadgets, that'd be good too.

I'm happy to have my actual license now because it makes it easier for me to get into bars now (something my friends and I are getting into the habit of doing). This upcoming Saturday we'll be heading out to this club for my friends birthday, the first time we'll have gone to one. I feel like I should watch some Keys to the V.I.P to bone up on my game...cause I have lots of that. Talking to my dad about it makes me feel a bit more comfortable, again he preaches the "You're not there to impress anyone" mentality and that has festered quite beautifully in my mind. It's allowed me to unfocus on having/needing a relationship and instead focus on myself. Sounds selfish but its not, I just have a terrible vocabulary. I think I'm a nice guy I'm not actively going out to ruin peoples day with my arrogance. I'm not at douchebag levels of egotisicalism yet and don't plan to be. I'm basically there to go with my friends, to look at hot girls and generally have a good time. In the words of my dad "I never really had to go up to girls, just look like you're having fun and they'll come up to you".

We started talking about the new generation of youth and about how girls are more daring which makes me a bit optimistic for my vagina hunting night. I told him that my sister and I are the except to the majority, most youth don't/can't talk to their parents about shit which made him and I kind of sad, I will make my kids into my definition of "normal" and no matter how over-protective that sounds that's not what you're picturing. My parents were very very lax with their rules on my sister and I and I think that's what helped. I swear most of the people I know stir shit up specifically to "rebel" which just seems retarded to me, not to mention a lot of them don't seem to respect their parents. My dad started to feed me some tips on how to stay safe (read: gave me a healthy dose of paranoia) but he clarified by saying "I'm just telling you the stuff you won't know until its too late, you already know how to have fun". I almost asked about how to have fun, sometimes I don't think I know, I feel like the odd one out when we got out on the town, but I guess practice makes perfect.

Did that last sentence make sense? Do I give a crap? This is mostly a log on my thoughts. Anyways, my main focus is on weight loss and job gaining (yes I know I've been saying that for two months). I think I am losing a bit more weight, but its slower than what it was, which is my reason for adding the cardio. The "afterburn" effect is what I had a lot with my previous endeavors but that doesn't happen with the "Arnold" workout, but I know that running causes it with me. Not to mention I would like to boost my breathing capabilities and endurance, hopefully ridding me of my asthma.

Okay, I think that's it, if I have anything to report or any thoughts I should be posting tomorrow, otherwise its whenever I feel like.


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