Monday 24 February 2014

Two Weeks Later

I seriously thought it hadn't been two weeks; I completely wasted my reading week (last 7 days) on videogaming, mostly because we have fast internet at the house now which excites me in many ways, online gaming, videos, I guess, mostly the first two; I also discovered a video lecture site for nursing information so I should be able to supplement that into my learning to hopefully help me.

I'm back to classes; just organized my group for a group project that due in 3 days; but should be do-able. Worked on it some today; mostly tomorrow morning and afterwards; also on wednesday I'm meeting with them to come up with a skit to do (because there is a 'creative' part to the presentation). Honestly not worried to much about this one because it is 10%, and the rubric is very lax; even though this is for the class I failed. I just got a 90% on that paper for the same class so I'm super happy for that which takes some of the pressure off for the interview and other paper.

Anyways; I've got another mental appointment set for March 10th in the morning, mostly we discussed eating plans and weightloss strategies because I emphasized that and said that would be the most important factor to my happiness, which I think it is. So far I've been concious of my eating, I had 1, maybe 2 bad days, but I hit sub-260 yesterday which cheered me up. I've been very good today (despite mcdonalds in the morning, but I just had a small thing and I've managed around it for the rest of today). I'm planning to do weights when I get home because its been 4 days; I didn't do any over the weekend with my excuse being Calvin but I shall do some even with him there because it isn't an obstacle.

I think some of the weightloss has come from me trying to enjoy these things called fruits and vegatables, I'm realizing I enjoy oranges which my mom has bought a lot of; I plan on eating more apples and bananas. I'm crunching on celery now, I now need to manage portions for dinner better.

I'm finding a lot of 'old timey' thoughts passing through my stream of conciousness recently; the ex chronicles of good times and some bad. It reminds me of the feeling called Love; currently I do not feel overwhelmed with depression though. I feel solid, like I'm working towards something again. I hope my weightloss journey goes good and stays good this time.

I also need to book my driving lessons for the upcoming end of march weekend course; I'm putting away a decent amount of money for it; I'm hoping to get some scratch from my dad as well and I'm on the fence on whether or not I wish to partake in some marijuana and how basically to spread my money because we also need to fix some farm cats before they get frisky.

Things crucial this week:
Workout consistently, 4x this week with bikes or runs on off days (I want to get back into running)
Mindful eatting, tracking intake and managing cravings.
Brush my goddamn teeth, its been awhile
meditate tonight and enjoy mental zen for a few precious moments.

Planning to post again sometime this week; didn't expect myself to let it go on this long after the streak of postings.

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