Tuesday 4 February 2014

Ball and Chain syndrome

Once again; I rant or at least complain about people and their relationships. My wrist still sort of hurts today but seems to be easing up although I can notice it now that I'm typing. This might be a short post due to time.

Ball and Chain syndrome:
Everything you as an individual decides must first be cleared w/ your significant other hereby referred to as 'ball and chain'. For example, we have a friend who we want to hang out with but he isn't doing anything unless him and his ball and chain are good with it. He also invited my other friend out, but only if his ball and chain could go with him and his, as well as another friend and with shackles. It's ridiculous to me; coupling, and the couple culture. You've got different sub-sets of human nature I guess; there is hook-up culture, there is couple culture, there is marriage culture, there is lonely weirdo culture too. It's all fucked.

My sister does this more often than not too; my mom and I often use the phrase "attached at the hip" when talking about them because I don't think I've seen them without each other in the same room in the past 2 years. People are getting less and less content with being alone and I find that messed up (ironic that I never stop bitching about my loneliness). Solitude can sometimes be great, I enjoy being in solitude when I choose - key word is the choosing part. My loneliness stems from my seeming inability to get close to anything resembling a normal or decent relationship with someone. A strong bond between minds, hearts, and genitals. Solitude can be great for expanding your mind, pursing interests, improving skills, masturbating, and a bunch of other things. I've learned a lot of history, read about exercises and stretches, I learned about meditating and 'mind-expanding' drugs (ex: entheogens or psychedelics - LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin, Marijuana to a certain extent). I've learned some about politics and geopolitics and generally improved my understanding of the world and the people around me.

Also I've learned a lot about myself, although not in a very meaningful way. Or in a way that I can apply in the real world. I've spent a lot of time watching pointless stuff; literally wasting my life, but what is really considered wasting your life. Is media wasting your life? Is talking to yourself wasting your life? Isn't your life 'your life' and you could do anything with it that you want, including wasting it. In a way, what you do with your life is never wasting it, you choose what to do; often times what you choose to do is what is, at least in a way, important to you. This makes me feel like I should study more; yet I continue to not do so. Although I did finish my essay today.

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