Thursday 27 February 2014

"Grown ups don't like my raps, but little kids do, that don't have a dad."

Biked 300 kcal (according to e-bike) for the past two days, makes me feel good, planning on strength training tonight and I think I'm going to severely de-load my lifts and intensely focus on full ROM and proper form. I'm going to put a lot of focus into a stretching program combined with my form roller to hopefully improve my flexability because my forms (specifically my squat) are horrible and my posture is not the best. I believe that putting my energy into stretches will benefit the other areas of my fitness endevours better than just trying to put more weight up and eventually injure myself.

I think I may supplement my Stronglifts routine with some extra weightlifting for upper body, focusing deltoid/shoulder area and triceps (i.e. glamour muscles). I am going to bring in my 10lb dumbbells from the shack into the house so that when I bike I can do flys at the same time. Tomorrow I think I'm going to do my restart of C25K which I've previously completed; all the talk about hockey tourney's and running has gotten me excited, I used to love running, I can love running again.

Cal will be scoring me some bud for my own sake; I will do what I did at the apartment and smoke up after a satisfying run or a long bike ride. Hit that runners high with a THC high. I sort of want to smoke the Salvia that I still have but my previous experiences with it haven't really turned me on to the whole plant I enjoyed my first few at the apartment but the last 4-5 times I have smoked it have been unsatisfying and didn't really do anything. :| eh, I am still hoping to be able to enter into an Ayahuasca ritual here in my damn tiny town sometime in April so I'm expected a dimensional rip in my psyche. In other words; I can't wait. I need to keep some money set aside for that though.

Tentative plan for tomorrow;
Wake up, plank, crappy pull up.
Research proper stretches for: glutes, hips, shoulders, legs in general, upper back
Put together a print out for these stretches with diagrams/pictures so I don't fucking forget, or draw my own pictures and practice them after cardio exercises. Cal says I can do ankle stretches at my desk. I'm making a concious effort to keep back straight and posture good (my at-home computer chair is extremely rundown as I've had it for fuck if I know how long so it doesn't provide back support).
Read through first 2 sets of slides for my Clinical Chemistry test that coming up, make notes on important shit, read back on notebook to figure out what I highlighting during lecture.
W1D1 using timer on smart phone rather than watch, might be able to find an "app for that"
everything else is whatever. Hoping to post tomorrow night - I want to talk about something other than just my life updates (like "the social game" and there is something else I wrote about in my nutrition textbook that I need to find so I can talk about that.)


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