Friday 9 December 2011

Fuck everything about this.

Fucking piece of shit fucking asshole cunt hole dick wad BITCH.

Christ, I basically just lost 200 dollars because I fucking forgot to check the constantly changing deadline for my payment schedule. Apparently the work I did will not carry over and I will never be paid for it. This comes at possibly the worst time for this because I HAVE NO FUCKING MONEY WHATSOEVER AND IF I DON'T GET A JOB I DON'T HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE. So fuck.

Tomorrow I'm going to the corner store to talk to manager/owner and begging for a job because fuck tutoring anymore, did I mention I was tutoring, because its bullshit. Now obviously you're dealing with the people who are a bit slow in the head but holy fucking shit, some of the people just don't understand anything. And now they have the balls to not even show up to the class because "The teacher confuses me when she teaches, you're good at it" Listen bitch, you pay the teacher like 500$ to teach you something, I get 10 bucks an hour...well not anymore I don't, to tell you stuff you should have already learned and to answer some questions about it. They seem to think I'm a fucking god at chemistry, as a peer tutor I am technically supposed to be learning this stuff although with them so when they say to just keep going with the unit I say fuck that shit. We haven't done it yet, and I'm not being paid/not paid minimum wage to teach you absolutely new shit to your fucking dumbass brain while you complain you're not getting fucked by your 4 boyfriends enough.

Anyways, the other people I tutor are typically fine, its just really the two that are dumb, one is a complete princess bitch about it too, the other one is just dumb. So dumb that she's now pregnant, no it's not planned either and I don't think she's doing anything about it, good, awesome for you, enjoy the baby for the rest of your life idiot. The princess mentality one just won't shut up though; and she scapegoats everyone for distracting her or me being boring. Listen you whore, its fucking chemistry, and not the fun "let's blow stuff up" chemistry, its the "bonds and energy" type of chemistry. The smart one, or atleast the not as dumb/bitchy one is good, she's funny and nice, unless she's stuck on something in which case she becomes a bitch but she acknowledges it at least and apologizes.

BUT FUCK I JUST LOST $200, in all honesty I did not earn $200, I have been teaching them bullshit, but I still have to tutor them on Friday/Monday because the final, because I'm not just gonna ditch out on them because I'm not being paid and be a big douche about it. But holy fuck am I pissed.

I HATE THE PERSON WHO ORGANIZES THE TUTORING. She is just retarded. Honestly, terrible at her job, she doesn't give you tutees unless you fucking go to her and point blank say "I don't have enough tutess", she forces you to tutor some as a group (less money overall) and limits the amount of time you have per person, but then when you don't have enough people you can't reach the max hours (12) so its pointless. Meanwhile everyone in class bitches about the lack of tutors; tutors bitch about the lack of tutees; and whatsherwhore bitches about the lack of everything. Listen bitch, you have an entire stack of ready and waiting tutors and tutees, you just have to email them or something. You seem to always email people the most important updates about 2 days after it's important, not only that but you use a flawed system that no one else uses with which to update your tutors/tutees.

So I missed two payment period, a month's worth of shit which could have been $400 if the stupid whore gave me more tutors and if I calculated my hours better. I missed the last one due to a change in the schedule which she warned us THE FUCKING NIGHT OF THE CHANGE (i.e check the morning before coming to school which I don't do because I have to leave at 7:45 or you're fucked). She never responded back to my email asking about this pay period. Not only that but I guess the last one of the semester is also moved back an entire goddamn cunt gargling week because screw smart people. So I just got shafted out of around $200 bucks (probably a bit more). CHRIST. Fuck That.

I think I'm going to go to my grandparents this weekend and beg for some money as well, if they say no I'll explain this situation, maybe it'll lube up their wallets a bit so that I can make it through the next little bit. Let's hope it works out, I'm off school on the ...16th I think, I have a couple papers and 3 tests to get through, should be simple though. The break I have is 25 motherfucking days of nothingness unless I get a job though. Let's cross our fingers....better cross dicks too, just to be sure.

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