Saturday 14 January 2012

Tickle fights are the way into a girl's pants.

I have one thing to say first to myself before I type this out, I don't know how long it's going to be, but if it is long, I have to remember this. A girl will not bring about eternal happiness, nor will she bring about a fix to all of your problems. A girl will get you high; she'll get you high off her scent, her voice, her touch. All of it is just ecstasy, but that doesn't mean she's the key. No one is the key but yourself, you make the most important decisions and choices in your life. Remember that.

Anyways, Natalie came over today. She texted me pretty early, asking if I was up yet cause she wanted to come over a bit ahead schedule. Sounds like she's interesting, I do a mini-fist pump as Calvin walks out the door to work. I quickly shower up, tidy a bit, and mentally prepare myself.

"Okay self, we're pretty sure she wants some dick. If shes not in it for the dick, then maybe it's just you. Could it be you? Yes it could be you dunce. You've played it pretty cool so far, maybe you're being attractive, all this flirting practice with Cadie is really paying off I guess. Anyways, focus, she'll be here in about an hour."

I notice the clock is about 15-20 minutes later than when I thought she'd be here. I hope she hasn't ditched. This is what I feared. I text her, my desperation peaks out at last. I'd resisted the urge to text her earlier. It sends. I hear a knock at the door. Of course. I get up and answer it. Hello girl I really want to fuck.

She walks in, smiling. She's not as pretty as I had remembered, but still pretty. She hands me the movies we are going to watch and she sits down. I put on the movie, I'm actually interested in this movie. I sit down beside her, we get close. I hesitate putting my arm around her. I don't know why. I think this will be too forward. Oh, that stupid part of me is back, that part that's bad with women. He's here, he's going to sabotage the entire operation. My arm drops around her.

We watch the movie, nothing special happens. A few conversations here and there, mostly laughing about the movie and a few good close scares where she bundles into me. I smile, that was good, but so far I'm losing the race against myself. I start "The Ring" up, I remember this being good and I'd told her I wanted her to see it before so I figure its appropriate. We watch, more cuddling. During the movie I think she gives me the stare. I almost go in, I hesitate. My moment is lost. Hrumph, next time. She leans her head onto my shoulder and I lean my head on hers. We stay like still for awhile, I am happy.

It's now about 6pm, we are going to watch The Living Dead, which she also brought. I use the washroom while she puts it in, I come back. I sit down. My brain says: "If we tickle her, maybe it will give us another shot." I ask if she's ticklish, moments before lunging at the sensitive parts, I had already had her foot in my grasp. She laughs and falls into me, I continue. Soon we're at spiderman levels, heads reversed to each other, we stop, this is the time. I hesitate, how the fuck do I kiss upside down, my brain pushing 100% power to the conundrum in front of me. Before I can figure a decent way we right ourselves up, cuddle and begin watching the show. She finds this episode scary which is great. I ended up getting a handful of ass which was nice.


We end the watching at 8pm. I'm sick of choosing movies so we get to talking. We talk for about 2 hours, getting to know each other and sharing stories. At about 10pm she mentions she should get going. My brain freaks out, we missed it, we missed everything, this isn't happening. Plan Repeat kicks in. I tickle her again, she laughs, jumps away onto another couch, I follow, she leans back into the armrest, my head is over hers. We stop, we stare, I'm about to go in for it, she kisses me. My brain bursts in ecstasy. We make out out for about 30 seconds when I grab her boob. I feel as if my hands are just kinda flopping around so that's why.

She doesn't stop me, we continue. I bring my hand down slowly, but not slowly enough in my mind. I'm racing, I'm too excited, but I can't stop. My hand finds it way to her and I slowly rub over the pants. She seems excited, continues kissing. She mentions she should really go, I moan and groan a bit but accept it. As shes getting ready I come up from behind and grab her boobs again, they're great. She bends down to grab her shoes and I grab her ass. Clearly I'm raring to go, my dick is visible through my jeans at this point. She's finally ready and stands up, we kiss a bit more. I lead her to door, saying I'll talk to her when she gets back.


The door closes. I wait for the outside door to close. -slam- YES YES YESY YES YES YESY ESYSE YESYES YESY ESY ESY ESY ES YSE YES YSE. THAT WAS AWESOME, I high-five my mirror self for what seems like ages. I text Calvin he's good to come back, I text Cadie because fuck it, I need someone to share in my post-makeout happiness. I sit down. I wonder if she'll come over again. I hope so, did I fuck anything up, was I too desperate in some of my advances? Was I too slow? Was I too fast? WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN? For right now I don't know.

A small facebook chat shows that she's received some bad news pertaining to her family, I don't know how to deal with this, when can I invite her over again, she's busy tomorrow for most of the day I believe. And Calvin is typically here during the week, I might end up having to go with next weekend. : ( Crap.

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