Friday 9 September 2011

Fucking girls man, fucking girls and fucking crushes and fucking wierd heart feelings.

Finally I found her. I just added her to my friends 2 seconds ago. Man she's hot... Notification? She accepted? That was fast. Wall post? Already? FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

She's talking to me. But she just said hey. OH GOD THIS IS OUT IN PUBLIC! People can see me.  I knew this would happen, she's too eccentric, too out there. No, this is a good thing, she totally wants my cock. OR DOES SHE?! Why have I suddenly lost all ability to talk to women. I was so smooth in class, and no I feel like I'm having a heart attack typing these replies out. I can change them on the fly, they have to be perfect. BUT NO, my gut does the thinking in class maybe I should just use the first thing on my mind. But it's not good enough. It's never good enough. I'll be stuck in this limbo of trying to be everything she wants. I don't know what she wants though, she seems like she can be played fairly easily... mostly because she's a nerd, nerd's just want other nerds...but what if I'm too nerdy? or not nerdy enough? FUCK FUCK FUCK, why can't I just shove her on a bed and do the physical escalation. At least I THINK I'm good at that, always seems to end in humping. ARGH SHE KEEPS RESPONDING AND MY BRAIN AND HEART CAN'T HANDLE THE PRESSURE!


Oh god, I can't put the right inflection on texts, she better read that right. If she doesn't I'm even more fucked! Understand it's a joke, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for the sake of my penis understand that I'm trying to make you laugh. Let me hear your laughter, it's like nectar to me, sweet beautiful nectar. Okay man, that line was smooth...hopefully, I don't know if the flow was right. Oh god she didn't even mention the comment. She's with drunk people, wait she doesn't drink, which means she prolly isn't bending over for randoms too easily... I guess that's good, OH GOD I'M ALREADY JEALOUS! WHY AM I SHAKING AND SHIVERING AND SCREAMING IN MY HEAD

Oh score, thank you autocorrect for the suggestion of a fancy word, I bet she likes fancy words. Do you like fancy words? do you want to fuck fancy words? I'd fuck fancy words.

Fuck Fuck Fuck, I have to get out of this convo...I don't know how...I could just be going to sleep? On a friday night? at this hour? No...No that doesn't work. Maybe she'll just stop responding? But that's bad too, I need an engaging conversation, I just died on that last response, there's nothing of substance. nothing of value, nothing to respond to, I'm fucked, I'm fucked unless she comes up with something, anything really. I need to stop stressing so much. But christ, she seems ....for lack of a better word: decent.

Oh god, it's been 3 minutes, she's usually done in 1...hehehehe...giggity, but still, she's probably not responding to that. FUCK I knew it, why did I type that, why didn't I say something else? Motherfucker, maybe something will come up tomorrow? or monday? I have asked her out. I'm going to have to sit beside her on monday for Math, chat her up, joke around, then ask if she wants to go grab some food or coffee or sex in her dorm...oh right...she's in rez...we could...oh my god...Now I really want to do her.


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