Monday 4 March 2013

March 4th

I'm almost 21.

That is tomorrow.

I ended up fucking off on the whole write in this everyday. It's a lot harder than I thought trying to get stuff done.

I wrote a lot of what was coming up on my calender at home, helps my brain relax. I've changed my desktop to include a list of the upcoming assignments so I know what to expect.

I did end up going to the library a lot of the days, not every single one but most I would say. So one thing was accomplished.

I drank water some but supplemented Diet Coke for the caffeine when I needed to stay up till 3 am to write that 40% paper I talked about early (night before it was due).

I just did my presentation I was worried about, went better than I thought. I have another one on Thursday.

Clinical is tomorrow, just finished my care plan and pathocard so I feel somewhat prepared (as much as I am going to be prepared).

I am 21 tomorrow.
Officially an adult, even in Vegas.

I still feel like a teenager, but I'm changing, slowly, but its finally coming around I think.
90 day T-break from pot (June 3rd)
Work-out planning/schedule making is set for tomorrow after clinical; I may do some now while I'm in class

90 day goal for weight loss/fitness (pics will be taken at sis's house then, already marked on calender).
-will be restarting C25K
-will be YMCA in morning doing Stronglifts 5x5

I want to meditate
sitting in class, staring at asses. fucking yoga pants.

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