Monday 2 July 2012

Depression Post


I haven't felt like this in awhile. It sucks. just...its not a good mood, I was happier earlier today, just today. I guess a series of events just kicked me into what I'm in now, tomorrow I get to find out if I have to kill myself or not. That's awesome.

I need to go to the gym, I need to lose weight faster, I'm lonely, my best friend never seems to talk to me. I'm a constant third wheel, I am that guy now. This isn't who I want.

Ugh though, fuck women, sometimes it just isn't god damn worth it. I just want somebody to love, its hard to type that without singing in my head. Which sucks because its exactly what I want, I want somebody to love, oh I need somebody to love. Vietnam plays in my head.

Anyways, I just wanted to rant, but I can't even say the stuff I want because the off chance someone will read this again. I can't trust you anymore.

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